Since my wife has been here, I've been trying to make life in Bangkok more fun and happening, and to be honest, it's been a real hectic and fun time in the past 2 weeks, there's so much to blog about and I hope I can share it all with you in my future posts.
Anyway, the PM of Thailand has just announced a state of emergency in Bangkok. This sounds bad, but I still want to prove to you that in the face of crisis, LIFE GOES ON.
I had the energy to wake up during the wee hours on Easter Sunday morning to catch a glimpse of what the local garment trade is all about. We reached the garment wholesale street at around 3am and it was a real shocker! People from every part of Thailand squeeze into the Bobae market and haul piles of garments home to sell. This was not Chatuchak market and we might be the only foreigners around, and it's the wee hours in the morning with the red shirts camping around 5 minutes' drive away. Take a look:

My note to travellers would be that Bobae market is a wholesale market, and the goods are medium to low-class garments meant for locals. Put excellent material and fashion at the back of your minds if you would like to spend a night here to feel the atmosphere. I bought 2 polo T-shirts at 140baht (6SGD) each and one of them is shown in my pictures below.
Well, since my previous post on Korean Ginseng Chicken soup, I have felt a little bad about not giving Korean food its due credit, so here's my redemption piece.

As much as I love Kimchi, I do not know whether this will suit the palates of most people, as it is an overwhelming pot of spicy fermented cabbage and kimchi-bacillus, not for the faint-of-heart.

This was Li Li's first try of this delicious wholesome pot of goodness, and I we were both afraid the waitress would accidentally stain our clothes while cutting the Kimchi into smaller pieces.

Naturally, I was excited to plunge into this pool of red as I finally had a companion to share such a large dish, a luxury I did not have when I was all alone. Aside of Kimchi, there were mushrooms, beancurd, onions, chilli, leek and most importantly, juicy fragrant slices of pork belly. So we ate, and ate.......
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