Friday, September 25, 2015

Birthday Letters from Daddy - Ellie turns 1

Our little celebration at home on the actual day
Dear Ellie

Before you, there was only Noah. Your korkor had Mummy and Daddy exclusively to himself, every moment, everyday. Looking back at the past year, the overwhelming emotion I have is a lot of apologies.

You did not wake up in the morning with Daddy on one side and Mummy on the other.

You did not listen to Daddy sing softly into your ear to coax you to sleep.

You hardly ate food specially planned and cooked for you by Daddy.

You hardly enjoyed any showers given to you by Daddy.

You hardly spent any actual time with Daddy since Day 1.

Being the little one in our house, you have been forced to share right from the start -- Daddy and Mummy's time, the clothes you wear, the books you read, the toys you play with.

Luckily, we are blessed that you have a big heart. You beam at me with love in your eyes even if I didn't do much for you. The cheeky, feisty streak that you are developing is also a welcome addition to the house formerly completely owned by your possessive brother.

You are such a precious little lady, and that's why, on the week leading up to your 1st birthday, Daddy and Mummy planned a whole week of activities to make sure your special moment is properly celebrated. Every single guest at your birthday party was hand-picked by Daddy and Mummy. They represent completely, the people who have showered you with love and welcomes into their houses in the past year, plus Daddy's special friend from Singapore who made it a special effort to be present.

What a cheeky pose from you, at Uncle Romans' house before going for your birthday photoshoot

Your birthday party at Champions Restaurant!

Your emotions swung from the highest
To the lowest 
You had what could be the most incredible-looking nyonya kueh cake for a 1-year old in recent history

All our lovely guests

Daddy promises you that from now onwards, I will make up for lost time. You will see more of me and do more things with me. I also hope that you will grow into a toddler bursting with positive energy, surrounded every moment by the boundless love showered on you by Daddy, Mummy and korkor.

Happy Birthday Ellie.


PS. Special thanks to Jacqueline for making the party such a great one, and Romans for the beautiful pictures.


  1. Happy birthday Little Ellie! Continue to grow up a happy and healthy girl!

    I totally identify with what you say here Eddie. I'm feeling exactly the same for my number 2 who hardly have any 1 to 1 time with us. It's always a shared attention with his possessive brother too.

    1. I think among all my friends, your situation might be the closest to mine, so yeah, I am glad you get it! I think we just need to know we are trying our best, then there's probably nothing much else we can do already.

  2. You are making me feel bad all over again, with my second, third and fourth kid. :( I feel the exact feeling you felt, and was also sorry for the eldest. :( But hey, at least they have company of each other too! :D

    1. I am actually not feeling bad for Noah, because he exclusively had us for a period of time!


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