
Sunday, April 28, 2013

An inspiring meet-up with a reader of Stranger in Bangkok

Something spectacular happened on the the 3rd of March.

After church service, a lady came up to me and asked if I was the author of this blog (this was before my Contact Me page was published).

For many times, I have said that this blog was and still is written to keep my loved ones informed of my happenings in Bangkok, so never in a million years would I have envisaged something like this to happen.

That said, everything happens for a reason. God never leaves anything to chance. For a lady from a little town in Southern USA to pick out a Singapore-born East Malaysian in this Thai metropolis crowded with 12 million people because of this humble blog is most definitely not pure coincidence.

My reader L, her beautiful twins A and Z and me!

Last week, Li Li and I sat in her living room sharing our experiences in Thailand. From her life-threatening health condition during her pregnancy, to her frustrations with the local hospital after delivery, right down to bringing 2 tiny babies home (1 came home weighing less than 1 kg!) and (mostly) single-handedly caring for them till they are in perfect condition 8 months down the road, L has had to overcome huge challenges every step of the way to get to where she is today. Noble mothers out there (that of course includes L, my wife, my mum and you, yes, you), I would like to thank all of you once again, for summoning enough energy every single time to make sure your children get the very best.

When L subsequently talked about how my blogposts struck a chord with her situation and how the things I wrote helped her during her difficult journey here in a foreign land, it finally dawned on me that what I publish here means a lot more to a lot more people than I had ever imagined.

So this is what it feels like to have twins

This blogging journey is starting to add magical highlights to my already-colourful life. I am sure my family and L's  special bond will continue to flourish over the next few years as we both grapple with the daunting prospect of raising our families in a country we cannot call our own.

Noah and the stunning ladies

L, this post is dedicated to you.

Stay strong, you are a warrior, so are A and Z.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

夢想實現: 4月6號動力火車POWER STATION新加坡演唱會


動力火車新加坡演唱會(Picture courtesy of Power Station's official fanpage)
記得1997年,我才十六歲, <<無情的情書>>最後吶喊的震撼肯定了我跟動力火車的不解之緣. 我曾經因為要快點賣到他們的CD從巴士上跌到膝蓋開花, 也多次在KTV飆他們的歌到聲音沙啞.


從<<就是紅>>到<<繼續轉動>>等了四年,<<艾琳娜>>又等了四年, 說實在話,我多次以為唱片公司不再賞識他們,把他們冷藏,不會再聽到他們的新歌. 新加坡演唱會更是等了又等. 三年前,我被派到泰國曼谷工幹, 看演唱會的機會更是渺茫.

最近,我才剛跟老婆說, 不知道動力火車的近況怎樣,如果要開演唱會,不管怎樣都一定要去,因為不知道會不會有下一次. 說著,新加坡演唱會的消息就公布啦! 當然,我們真得趕緊買了門票,機票,飄洋過海(我吃得起苦)到新加坡支持! 

演唱會開始前,老婆把我的手握得特別緊, 她知道這一刻對我來說多重要. <<繼續鑽動>>前奏響起時,我的夢想實現了. 十三年真的沒白等, 兩位老大都四十幾歲了,但比以往長得更帥氣,歌聲沒退步,反而更成熟,扎實. 我看只有我老了! 

對不起老大,你叫我們合唱時,我多次唱不出來,是因為太感動,在咬著牙齒忍住眼淚. 更對不起, 我沒留到最後, 沒站在椅子上跟你們高唱<<背叛情歌>>, 因為十一點半了,兒子從來沒離開我們這麼久過,所以擔心了. 下次,我保證,一定留到最後一刻, 唱到天亮都奉陪!

夢想雖然實現了, 但是我有了新的夢想, 就是參加你們下一次的演唱會.這是死忠歌迷的願望,就算拜託一下. 不要再讓我等十三年了.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Family in Bangkok's battle with Herpangina

Sorry for the long lull. It hasn't been an easy time for the Yii household these past few weeks.

Ever since we came back to Bangkok from our Chinese New Year break in February, all of us have been hit by bugs/viruses and there was hardly a day when all 3 in my house were completely healthy. Noah seemed to be the fittest amongst the 3, because while both Li Li and myself were hit for at least 2 weeks each, he managed to recover from his bout of herpangina within 4 days. However, it was still very difficult for us to see little Noah struggling for comfort as it was his first real illness more than a year after his jaundice ordeal at birth.

Poor little Noah all feverish and uncomfortable

A lot went through my mind when I was hit by Noah's virus shortly after his recovery.

For a couple of days, all I could do is to lie on the bed watching my wife taking care of me and Noah at the same time without being able to offer any help.

For the better part of the next 2 weeks, I could not muster energy to do anything after work aside of finish dinner then go to bed immediately.

I realized life went back to square one if you are ill. The only people who will stay with you is your family, and the only people you really care about are your family too. No amount of big deals clinched at my company or even exciting future career opportunities tempted me one bit, even updating this very dear blog of mine meant absolutely nothing anymore.

During the 2 long weeks, the only thing in my mind was, "I need to get well as soon as possible, because my family needs me." That's why I slept as much as I did, and did the bare minimum in office just to ensure things ran smoothly. However, I don't think I did myself a favour by expecting my immune system to be as efficient as Noah's. Instead of recovering within 4 days, my condition deteriorated over the course of 1 week to the point that I had no choice but to visit a doctor. This period of ill health has well and truly reminded me that I am nothing if not for my family, and that I am nothing without my body performing at its optimum condition.

So here's my very brief update of my current status after an extended break from the blogosphere. I can happily announce that I am almost totally recovered now, and will do my best to stay so for as long as possible.

As for you my dear readers, take care of yourselves, because your family needs you, and good health is not something anyone of us can take for granted.